My Why behind photography:


Artistry & passion is my soul WHY behind my photography. I woke up one morning at 3am and just thought, I'm ready to do the thing that makes my heart sing. I have always been a creative though life didn't always agree that it was my purpose. After kids you kind of reset and for me it opened my eyes to the fact that life is simply too short to be doing something your simply not passionate about, especially once you reach your thirties. Life is happening now and your life matters, your memories matter! Every day that passes is another gone and as a mum and a wife, it's about freezing your love stories in time and giving you the gift to relive your favourite memories over & over, again. Helping you feel connected to your loved ones and empowered as a person. As a photographer, It's an art form & to me, it's the most beautiful. Photography, meaning 'painting with light' is so versatile and it can be interpreted in so many ways depending on the artist. My Interpretation is elegant, warm, and emotive. I focus strongly on your connections and making sure your images feel. This is most important when looking back at your images from the day. They should transport you back to the emotions and connections you had in every single moment. Time isn't stopping. Photography is the only way we can freeze it for a fraction and being able to so, simply in that moment exactly as it was, right then, is simply beautiful. My WHY, creating epic wall worthy art, that's stunningly, beautiful, always.